SOME phrases in Orianthi's According To You depict my feelings (i really mean SOME, which cover 5% of them all). I do find artists who play instruments in their own songs way professional than the others.
Well hello! Now that I've stopped blogging for long, I lost the sense and interest to write and read blogs. This post is here because I'm too bored. One more month to go till my new semester starts, phew. Till then Chinese New Year will end too. This year, I'm holding the responsibility to bake all cookies and cakes. Wish me luck. ;)
This morning, my aunt said the same thing I've heard many times before. Life's so miserable.

Life's what we make it to be,
we can make it a song,
we can make it a dance,
we can make it of both singing and dance,
in the end of the day it's important too with whom we sang and danced ^^
bjorn sings and dances with iso hamsterin :P
with dororo, with doriri kaka
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