In order to answer the taggy questions, name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. For those whom will be tagged by me, please don't read the questions underneath unless you already wrote down the names of all the 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you randomly list the names first. NO CHEATING, okie?!!! ^ ^
These names below here, are the names I chose =)
1 ~ Jessica
2 ~ Barbie cheche
3 ~ PSP
4 ~ Ming Lee
5 ~ Sim Yi
1. How did you meet number 1? { Jessica }
We met each other in Primary 4 A class. Wow!! That time, I just transferred to Kuching, my mummy sent me to school, Jessica's mummy sent her to school. Two mummy-s met each other, & they realized they were best friends & colleagues long time ago, you know, when two long lost friends met each other again, how was the situation there?? lolx!! & soon, they found out that Jessica & I are classmates, & we live very near to each other.. so, we started carpool to school & back home. Since then, we became very close to each other. During Primary 5, I was switched to Class 5B, & so was Jessica, lolx!! How coincidence it was=)
2. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your friendship with 1? { Jessica }9, we sometimes quarrel haha=( oppss!! only good friends quarrel ok??3. How long have you known 4? { Ming Lee }
Since Secondary 2. It has been approximately 5 years=)
4. How do you know number 3? { PSP }
How? hrrmmm, it is weird, I ever thought of it, but I can't find the answer.
5. Where is 5? { Sim Yi }
Labuan, studying... buhuhuu...I miss my dear fishy...
6. A fact about number 1? { Princess BB }
A fact ah?? Hrrmmm, she likes Disney so much!! haha, & animations..
7. Who is 4 going out with? { Ming Lee }
Is it ME?? say yes, Ming Ming=S
8. What does 1 do for a living? { Jessica }
She is still a student, she gets $ kaching $ from papa ho?? =P
9. Would you live with number 3? { PSP }
Arr...no!! haha
10. What do you like about number 2? { Barbie cheche }
cheche, help me if I got problem that requires a professional lawyer=) Yes!! My dear Barbie here is a Law student, cool hah? I like her being caring to all of her friends.
11. Do you miss number 5? { Sim Yi }
I said so...I miss her S O M U C H !!
12. What’s you opinion of number 2? { Barbie Cheche }
Huh? this is a repetition! My answer goes the same as #10
13. What’s your favourite memory with number 5? { Sim Yi }
Sleeping together, wakaka
14. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out? { Jessica & Barbie cheche }
They WON'T!! haha
15. Ever had a long conversation with 5? { Sim Yi }
Yeap!! Sometimes on the phone
16. Have you slept at 2’s house? { Barbie cheche }
Uhhh?? I haven't meet her in person yet..
17. Do you hang out with 3 alot? { PSP }
Nope!! we can't talk when we meet each other...OMG!!!
18. Who have you known the longest?
Jessica!! taddaa
19. How often do you talk to 1? { Jessica }
Jes, long time no talk, sobsss!!
20. How about 2? { Barbie cheche }
Where are you now? miss you so..
21. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend? { PSP }
22. Would you go out for a date with 5? { Sim Yi }
We always do so, with Ming Lee together haha
AIYO!!!! WHY CAN'T THE Q & A thingy STOPS HERE????
23. Do you dream about 2? { Barbie cheche }
Yes!! I ever dreamt about u
24. What did number 4 do to you that you can never forget? { Ming Lee }
Ming ming, I want to sit next to you again...haha, I noe I didn't answer the ques...
25. What have you done for 1 that the person never forgets? { Jessica }
What have I done to you that you can't forget Jes? You help me answer kay?
26. Whats 3’s hobby? { PSP }
I tag :
~ Jessica
~ Bridge ( guess you're not interested in tags, haha )
~ Joy